James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John Sevier, 13 February 1795

From John Sevier

Greenville. 13th February 1795


This will be handed you by the revd. Mr. Balsh1 president of the Greenville college lately established by law in our territory. The board of Trustees flatter themselves that the legislature of the United States will encourage And patronize this laudable institution, And from the Knowledge I have of your Great regard for literature, take the liberty to Recommend Mr. Balsh to your favourable Notice And Attention. I have the honor to be sir With regard And Much respect Your Obedt. Hbl Servt.

John: Sevier

RC (DLC). Addressed by Sevier to JM, by “Mr. Balsh.” Docketed by JM.

1The Reverend Hezekiah Balch graduated from the College of New Jersey in 1766. He taught school in Fauquier County, Virginia, and served as a Presbyterian minister in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and the transmontane region that is now Tennessee. He participated with Sevier in the attempt to establish the state of Franklin and from 1795 until his death in 1810 served as president of Greeneville College (later merged with Tusculum College). Sevier was a member of the college’s Board of Trustees, which authorized Balch to solicit funds for the college from Washington and members of Congress. Washington donated $100 (McLachlan, Princetonians, 1748–1768, pp. 545–48; Allen E. Ragan, A History of Tusculum College, 1794–1944 [Greeneville, Tenn., 1945], pp. 1–6; trustees of Greeneville College to Washington, March 1795 [DNA: RG 59, Misc. Letters]; Balch to Washington, 18 Dec. 1795 [DLC: Washington Papers]).

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