To James Madison from Edmund Randolph, [January–April?] 1795
From Edmund Randolph
Saturday morning. [January–April 1795?]
E. R. to J. M.
My mind has been occupied with the subject, upon which we conversed. It is immense, critical, and may form an important epoch. Think precisely & extensively upon it, and let me hear from you.
I find, that what I expected to have been done was not. My note in Bond’s hands was paid; but the money was not delivered by the person, who ought to have done it, and consequently the money was advanced for me by a man, whom I hardly know. Would it be convenient to you to procure the check this morning? Do not say so, if it be otherwise.
RC (DLC). Addressed by Randolph. Randolph wrote on the cover, “Letter from Vienna 2d. octr. / Emperor intended to go to Pays bas—p⟨…⟩.” Undated in the Index to the James Madison Papers. Conjectural date here assigned by comparison with Randolph’s other note to JM concerning his debt to Phineas Bond.