To James Madison from Joseph Jones, 21 November 1794
From Joseph Jones
Fredg. 21t. Novr. 1794.
Dr. Sr.
The inclosed paper will inform you on board what vessell and to whom consigned the small cask I send you goes—it contains Anthony informs me four gammon and one shoulder. I wish I could have sent you more and larger peices but you must be content with what and such as they are. I set out in the morning for Loudoun and Albemarle and shall not return in less than 8 or 10 days. Your letters to me in Fredericksg. I shall receive on my return. Health and happiness attend you. Tazewell and S. T. Mason I hear are the Senators to Congress. Yr. friend & Servt.
Jos: Jones.
RC (DLC). Docketed by JM. Enclosure not found.