James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Joseph Jones, 22 July 1794

From Joseph Jones

Fredg 22d. July 1794

Dr: Sr

I expected to have been with you before now but have been unwell a few days past wch. has delayed me. Anty. goes up with a few things to Monroes wch. I suppose will be wanting there while I am up.1 He brings all the Coffee that came here in the Matt package—package and Coffee weighed 38 lb whe. it was the whole that should have come I am uninformd. I have sent you a pine apple cheese which I hope will prove good those in general that have been used here were approved of as good. I shall go through Culpeper and if nothing unforeseen prevents will set off Tomorow. You have several packages at Andersin’s or Blairs. Yr. friend & Servt

Jos: Jones

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

1Monroe had authorized his uncle Joseph Jones to look after his house west of Charlottesville and another recently purchased Albemarle County estate. In 1799 Monroe completed Highland (later called Ash Lawn) on that estate (Ammon, James Monroe, pp. 115–16, 163).

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