To James Madison from James Madison, Sr., [5 May] 1794
From James Madison, Sr.
[5 May 1794]
☓ Where shall the Laths, & plank be procured
☓ for the granary—
☓ Send the memorials—
☓ Forte Piano—no books. ⟨per brass?⟩ Wire pay Mr Blair when you come home 18/
☓ C——s Mill does no damage
☓ Excuse [sic] Law
☓ Bill of exchange
Ms (DLC). Notes in the hand of James Madison, Sr., for a response to JM’s letter to him of 25 Apr. 1794. Written on the cover of that letter. Probably formed the basis of a letter (not found) of 5 May 1794 (acknowledged in JM to James Madison, Sr., 19 May 1794). Edge of Ms damaged.