James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Arthur Breese, 16 April 1794

From Arthur Breese

Whitestown Ap. 16th. 94.


Some time since by the Mail I recd. a letter from you respecting Lot No. 2.* I forwarded my answer immediately. By the last Mail I Recd. a letter from Mr. Wm. Morris, inclosing one from you to me.1 For fear that my first letter should get lost, I now inform you that I am perfectly well acquainted, with the general situation, & Quality of your Lot; and that it is worth four Dollars the acre, cash, & five upon a Credit. No Land in the Neighborhood of it, can be obtained for Less. My first Letter informs you with prescision, the quality of the soil &ca. If we are not engaged in a war with Europe, Land will appreciate much in Value. Any further Information, or assistance, that I can give you, shall be done with Chearfulness. I am Sir with much respect Yr. obedient Servant.

Arthur Breese


1The letters to Breese have not been found.

Authorial notes

[The following note(s) appeared in the margins or otherwise outside the text flow in the original source, and have been moved here for purposes of the digital edition.]

* Sadaqueda Patent

Index Entries