James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John Dawson, 2 March 1794

From John Dawson

Rich March 2th. 94

Dear Sir!

The last evenings stage brought me your letter1 & a paper of the 21. of the last month.

Before it was not doubted here, that M. Fauchet was appointed to succeed Genet—had arrivd with the fleet at Norfolk & immediately proceeded on to Pha. & yet by the paper of the 21. it appears that he has not arrivd, & doubts are started as to this appointment. This affair appears involvd in some obscurity, which I expect the next mail will clear up.

On yesterday all the militia companies of this city met, &, una voce, came to a number of resolutions2 expressive of their approbation of the commercial ones before your house. They are to be pri[n]ted in the morrows paper, & a copy forwarded to the delegation. They will I think give an alarm to Mr. G3—if his city friends forsake him he may hang up his fiddle.

I rejoice to hear that the Senate has agreed to open their doors. With real esteem Yr. friend & Sert

J Dawson


1Letter not found.

2On the 1 Mar. resolutions of the Nineteenth Virginia Militia Regiment, see Madison in the Third Congress, 2 Dec. 1793–3 Mar. 1795.

3Samuel Griffin. On his opposition to JM’s commercial discrimination resolutions, see Dawson to JM, 25 Feb. 1794, n. 1.

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