James Madison Papers

To James Madison from George Washington, [8 February] 1794

From George Washington

Saturday Morning [8 February 1794]

Dear Sir,

The Agricultural Society of Philadelphia, are preparing the “outlines of a Plan for establishing a state Society of Agriculture in Pennsylvania”1 to be laid before the Legislature. Mr. Peters to whom sometime ago I mentioned the Pamphlets &ca. which had been sent me by Sir John Sinclair; & who is appointed to prepare the business for the Legislature—wishes to have the perusal of those Pamphlets—as at this moment—they might be particularly serviceable to him. I would, for this reason, thank you for them. They shall be returned to you, after he has availed himself of any information which is to be derived from them. I am sincerely & Affectionately Yours

Go: Washington

Photostat (DLC: Washington Papers). RC offered for sale in Thomas F. and Edith H. Madigan, eds., The Autograph Album (April 1934), item 231.

1A pamphlet with this title (Evans description begins Charles Evans, ed., American Bibliography … 1639 … 1820 (12 vols.; Chicago, 1903–34). Roger P. Bristol, ed., Supplement to Charles Evans’ American Bibliography (Charlottesville, Va., 1970). description ends 27512) was published later in 1794 by the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. JM’s copy is in the Madison Collection, Rare Book Department, University of Virginia Library.

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