To James Madison from Charles Fierer, 26 January 1794
From Charles Fierer
Dumfries Jany. 26th 1794
Hond. Sir
The many civilities I have received from you, Sir, on a former occasion, induces me to solicit your patronage to a petition which the Honble. Richard B. Lee will lay before the Honble. House of which you are a member. I will not take up your time with a detail of the particulars of my case, as the petition and the vouchers attending the same will explain my situation. I will only observe, that having had the misfortune lately to break a leg, which by being injured in the service of this Country during the late war, has made me a Cripple.
Should I be fortunate enough, to obtain in you, Sir, a friend to espouse my cause, my gratitude would be as lasting, as my present situation is distressing. I have the honour to be with Sentiments of perfect respect Hond. Sir, Your most Obt. & very humble Servant
Charles Fierer1
RC (NN).
1. Charles Fierer (originally Führer) (d. 1794) came to America in 1776 as a Hessian ensign. He defected, accepted a commission in the Continental line, and later served as captain of a Virginia cavalry troop. Injured in a fall from his horse in 1781, he returned to Germany to find himself declared a traitor and his estate confiscated. He published the Georgetown Times, and Patowmack Packet (the first newspaper in the federal district), 1789–91, and the Dumfries Va. Gazette, and Agricultural Repository, 1791–93. On 11 Dec. 1793 the Virginia General Assembly passed an act directing the auditor of the public accounts to issue Fierer “certificates for the balance of pay and depreciation” due for his state service. On 3 Dec. 1794 the House of Representatives passed a resolution that instructed the Standing Committee of Claims to report a bill placing Fierer on the pension list and allowing him half pay at captain’s rank, but six days later he died after a long illness (Alice H. Lerch, “A Printer Soldier of Fortune,” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 30 [1936]: 92–99; , Oct. 1793, pp. 15–16; , 1:282; , 3d Cong., 2d sess., 955).