James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Tench Coxe, [29 December] 1793

To Tench Coxe

[29 December 1793]

Mr. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Coxe. He wishes to have a little conversation with him this forenoon or tomorrow if convenient, and will thank Mr C. to name by the bearer an hour at which Mr. M. may wait on him.1

RC (PHi: Tench Coxe Papers). Addressed by JM. Docketed, probably by Coxe: “recd. in the Morning of Sunday 29 Decr. 1793—appointed Mr. M. to call at his (Mr. C’s) house this Evening after Tea.”

1JM probably wished to consult Coxe on questions relating to the resolutions on commercial discrimination that he presented to the House on 3 Jan. 1794.

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