To James Madison from John Dawson, 6 December 1793
From John Dawson
Richmond December 6. 93
My dear Sir
Your session no doubt commencd on the last monday & the communications which you will have it in your power to make to your friends for some time will be very interesting. I feel great anxiety to learn what direction the politiks of the present congress will take & must solicit a renewal of our correspondence.
The general assembly will probably adjourn in two days. Those resolutions relative to suits commencd by citizens of one state agt. another state will be forwarded to you & to each member representing the state. They determind to appoint the general officers of the militia themselves & Generals are now to be met at every corner.1 With much esteem Yr. friend & Sert
J Dawson
1. “An act regulating the militia of this Commonwealth” of 22 Dec. 1792 provided that “the General Assembly shall by joint ballot of both houses” appoint the general officers of the militia. “An act supplementary to the act to amend the act for regulating the militia of this commonwealth” of 10 Dec. 1793 required the governor to commission the twenty-two generals whom the General Assembly had appointed ( , 13:341–42; , 1:207; Va. Herald, and Fredericksburg Advertiser, 12 Dec. 1793).