To James Madison from Daniel Carroll, 11 February 1793
From Daniel Carroll
feby 11th. 1793
My dear Sir,
Your favor of the 27th Ulto came to hand. With respect to yr. proceedings I have not receiv’d the papers sufficiently regular to follow you. I hope intentions are good, all then will be right. How it is to be in Europe Father time only will say. I expect all Ireland will be in America shortly; if the people can only lay in a Sufficient Stock of potatoes to keep themselves alive on their passage. Do you never cast yr. mind to the British Parliament now setting; How will the Kings speech read? Try your hand, & compare hereafter. The debates will be very interesting, & many good speakers be apt to stammer—from our short conversations at Baltimore you saw I was no Jacobin. They may have been useful in rousing a Spirit which opposd & defeated an invasion, but a very different Spirit than what has been manifested on sevl occasions in my opinion must prevail to ensure their liberty & happiness. I wish we may have some opportunity of conversing over these and other matters. I shall be in G Town from the 4th. of Next Mo several days after. What time do you propose returning? Can you make a Sacrifice of a few days in this neighbourhood?
Remember me affectionately to the Ladies of the family, & to those of my friends who sometimes cast a thought, on Dr Sr., yours Sincerely & affecy
Danl Carroll