James Madison Papers

Account with James Monroe, [14 May] 1792

Account with James Monroe

[14 May 1792]

Price of land1 1350 dollars
of half   675 dolrs.
Add Interest @ 7 PerCt. from Apl. 1786 to Ap. 1790  189 drs.
Deduct paymt. Ap. 1790 to Taylor for Col. M.  432
Add—Intst. @ 7 PerCt. from Ap. 1790 to Ap. 1792   60.48
 492.48 dollrs.
Deduct paymts. to Col. M. 1791. Jany. 35
Novr. 4. 90
1792 Jany. 300
Mar. 25.   20
  47.48 Balance due & pd. Col: M.

Ms (DLC). In JM’s hand. Receipted by Monroe at the bottom of the page: “Recd. at this time one hundred & fifty dolrs. of Mr. Madison / examin’d & approve the above May 14. 1792 / Jas. Monroe.”

1The transactions described here are a record of payments from JM to Monroe for his share of their joint purchase of land in the Mohawk River Valley in New York.

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