James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Jedidiah Morse, 28 February 1792

From Jedidiah Morse

Charlestown Feby. 28th. 1792


The sales of the first Editn. of my Geogy. being completed, I expect to put to press a second in the course of the Spring. A wish to render it as accurate & unexceptionable as possible, induces me Sir, to use the freedom to enclose you my former Acct. of Virginia, & to request you to be at the pains to peruse it with your pen, & note such corrections, & suggest such hints as you may think proper. It is impossible for an individual to be acquainted personally with all the changes & improvements, whh are continually making in the different States. The remarks of your colleagues would also be acceptable.

I hope, sir, the nature of my request will induce you to excuse the liberty I have taken in sollicking your assistance; & your compliance will confer a great obligation on, Sir, your very respectful & obdt servt

Jedh Morse1

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

1Jedidiah Morse, a Congregationalist clergyman of Massachusetts, was a historian, a prominent Federalist, and the father of Samuel F. B. Morse. His American Geography (Elizabethtown, N.J., 1789; Evans description begins Charles Evans, ed., American Bibliography … 1639 … 1820 (12 vols.; Chicago, 1903–34). Roger P. Bristol, ed., Supplement to Charles Evans’ American Bibliography (Charlottesville, Va., 1970). description ends 21978) and American Universal Geography (2 vols.; Boston, 1793; Evans description begins Charles Evans, ed., American Bibliography … 1639 … 1820 (12 vols.; Chicago, 1903–34). Roger P. Bristol, ed., Supplement to Charles Evans’ American Bibliography (Charlottesville, Va., 1970). description ends 25847) were popular works that went into several editions. JM consulted Morse’s American Geography when preparing his Notes on Navigation and Trade, ca. 13 May 1790 (PJM description begins William T. Hutchinson et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison (vols. 1–10, Chicago, 1962–77; vols. 11—, Charlottesville, Va., 1977—). description ends , XIII, 199, 201, 203 n. 7).

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