To James Madison from Daniel Carroll, 5 January 1792
From Daniel Carroll
George Town Jany 5th. 17921
My dear Sir,
Yr. favor of the 1st Instant is come to hand. It will I presume be necessary to come to some con[c]lusion this session about the Representation. I wish it well over—much irritation on so capital a point must be disagreable, may be injurious. If an attempt is made respecting the Residence Law from a respectable quarter, I shall be certain that not that object, but some other damnable design is brewing. I hope for the best—in this and other matters, but cannot help having my apprehensions of the spirit of our Constitution being gratually sap’d by new principles being introducd, which a variety of causes combine to make palatable.
Mr Johnson Docr Stuart & myself are now here, & hope to enter fully into the business of the Commsrs. before we part—& am glad likewise Mr Johnson will be in Pha. himself abt the beginning of next Month.
As I know how much you are oppressd by correspondence &ca. I am the more sensible of yr. kindness & attention to Dr Sr. Yr. very Affte friend & Servt.
Danl Carroll
P. S. I hope my good friends with you will not atribute to indifference my Silence about them. Indeed I can say sincerely that I often think of them with sentiments of great esteem & regard.
1. Carroll had written “Decr. 5th. 1792,” but JM corrected the date to read as printed here. Comparison of this letter’s contents with those of other Carroll letters in early 1792 corroborates JM’s correction.