To James Madison from Daniel Carroll, 26 December 1791
From Daniel Carroll
Decr. 26th. 1791
My dear Sir,
My last was, I beleive, on the 21st. Instt since which yrs. of the 20th Came to hand.
I do indeed regret the failure of the Represenn. Bill—& the circumstances attending it. What will be the result? If the residence Act is attackd as you say in a regular manner, or any other after what has taken place, I shall conclude there is a deep scheme for some other wicked purpose—Nil admirari &c.1 I will yet beleive no more is intended than as a threat.
We hope to see Mr. Johnson next week—& to send a Certified copy of the Act of our Assembly concerning the Territory of Columbia & City of Washington; I transmitted a rough copy to Mr Jefferson sometime past.
I have not heard from Mr C. Carroll in answer to what I wrote him. I hope you will soon see him in Pha. Let me know who are with you at Mrs Houses. Yrs. Dr Sr Most Affy
Danl Carroll
RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.
1. “‘Marvel at nothing’—that is perhaps the one and only thing, Numicius, that can make a man happy and keep him so,” Horace, Epistles, bk. I, epistle VI, line 1 (Horace: Satires, Epistles, and Ars Poetica [1970 reprint], p. 287).