To James Madison from John Walker, 7 November 1791
From John Walker
Shirley1 Novr. 7th 1791.
Dear Sir—
Colo. Otway Byrd,2 who has a Claim to lay before Congress, will deliver this letter. Let me beg leave to introduce him to your Notice & civilities as a Man of approved Merit & as one of my most intimate friends. His claim will, I doubt not, meet with your Support, should you think it reasonable, otherwise, I am sure he has too much liberality to expect it.
We are here on our Way to South Carolina, where we propose to pass the Winter. I hope you will be so good as to write to me as usual, & that your letters may be addressed to the care of Francis Kinloch esqr. of Charleston.
Mrs. Walker & Eliza are both in good health & desire to add their best wishes to those of My Dear Sir Your friend & huml. Servt.
Jn. Walker
RC (PHC). Addressed by Walker and “Favor’d by Colo. Byrd.” Docketed by JM.
1. The Charles City County estate of Charles Carter.
2. Francis Otway Byrd (1756–1800), son of William Byrd III, was sheriff and clerk of the court of Charles City County. After resigning his position in the Royal Navy at the outbreak of the Revolution, he became an aide to Maj. Gen. Charles Lee and later a lieutenant colonel of dragoons (Jackson and Twohig, Diaries of George Washington, VI, 256–57).