James Madison Papers

To James Madison from George Washington, 27 October 1791

From George Washington

Thursday 27th. Octr. 1791.

My dear Sir,

Enclosed I return you the list of Sales in the Federal City.

You will oblige me, by drafting a short answer to the Address, to be presented tomorrow, and sending it to me this Evening or in the Morning early. If you want the Address let me know it & it shall be sent to you. Yours—Sincerely & Affectly.

Go: Washington

RC (Hawaii State Archives: Cartwright Collection); Tr (MH: Sparks Transcripts). RC addressed by Washington; docketed by JM but misdated 22 Oct. 1791, an error repeated when JM calendared his letters received from Washington (DLC: Rives Collection, Madison Papers).

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