To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 3 August 1791
From Thomas Jefferson
Philada. Aug. 3. 1791.
Dear Sir
Your favours of July 31. & Aug. 1. are recieved, but not that of the 30th.1 which was trusted to a private hand. Having discovered on Friday evening only that I had not inclosed Coxe’s pamphlet, I sent it off immediately to the post office. However I suppose it did not leave this place till the post of Monday nor get to your hands till Tuesday evening.
Colo. Lee is here still, & gives me hopes of your coming on soon. The President is got well. If he goes to mount Vernon at all it will be about the beginning of October. However I must go a month sooner. One of my carriage horses is dangerously ill, & become in a few days death-poor & broke out full of sores. I fear his situation portends a difficulty. I inclose you the map belonging to my journal, being the one I had in my pocket during the journey. Adieu, my dear Sir. Your’s affectly.
Th: Jefferson
RC (DLC); FC, Tr (MHi). RC addressed by Jefferson and franked.
1. Letter not found, but Jefferson may have alluded to JM’s undated (29 July) letter, which is not entered in JM’s own calendar of correspondence (DLC: Rives Collection, Madison Papers).