James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Fontaine Maury, 10 July 1791

From Fontaine Maury

Fredg: July 10. 1791

Dear Sir.

On the other side you have a State of your a/c which if found right please pay the amount to my order in favor of Messrs. Philips Cramond & Co of Philadelphia at 30 days sight.

Two hhds of your Tobacco are Shiped on board the Ship Venus, Edward Flin Master, & Consigned to Mr James Maury of Liverpool. I will thank you to inform me if any thing hath been done in the business you were so good as Interest yourself in for Capt Dade, of whose Death I suppose you have heard.1 I am with much Regard D Sir Your Mo: Ob: S:

Fontaine Maury


The Honble. James Madison Esqe

In a/c with Fontaine Maury Dr
July 29 To 60 yds German Ozna. @ 16d 42 ½ Rolls 10d 5. . 15. . 5
Augt 31 "  90 lb Barr Iron @ 3½ 1. . 6. . 3
Oct 29 "  3 ps Kendall Cotton @ 38/ 44/ & 50/. 6. . 12. . 0
"  4½ yds Coating @ 6/8 6 yds Plains @ 3/ 2. . 8. .
"  9 ⅌ Stockings 18/ 11 Blanketts @ 8/9 5. . 14. . 3
"  1 m̃ 8 dynails 8/ 1 m̃ 10 dy do 10/ 18.  0
"  30 yds Oznaburgs @ 1/ 1. . 10.  0
"  4 Bushels Salt @ 2/6 Sacking 3/9 13.  9
"  Cash paid for Rum to the Tenders 1. . 3
"  1 Side Sole Leather 1. . 4. . 0
Nov 24 "  1 Side upper Leather 20/ 16.  0
Decr. 17 "  Cash paid Negroe Sawney 1. . 6
June 9 "  12¼ b German Steel 12/3 3 yds Sacking 3/6 15.  9
25 "  Cash paid Inspecting your Tobacco 5. . 0
£28. . 1. . 2

Errors Excepted

Fontaine Maury

P. T. O.

RC and enclosures (DLC). Enclosures in Maury’s hand. The second enclosure is a “sight draft” payable to Philips, Cramond and Company, which is endorsed as paid on the verso.

1Francis Dade (1756–1791) had sought JM’s aid in procuring a Revolutionary War claim (Dade to JM, December 1790?, PJM description begins William T. Hutchinson et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison (vols. 1–10, Chicago, 1962–77; vols. 11—, Charlottesville, Va., 1977—). description ends , XIII, 309–10; John Bailey Calvert Nicklin, “The Dade Family,” Tyler’s Quarterly description begins Tyler’s Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine. description ends , XVII [1935–36], 53).

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