From James Madison to Peter Baynton, 31 March 1791
To Peter Baynton
March 31. 91.
Mrs. House’s Corner of Market & fifth streets
Mr. Madison has just recd. the inclosed letter under cover of one from Virginia. If Mr. Baynton1 wishes to have an answer conveyed, Mr. Madison offers his service for the purpose. He will have an opportunity in two or three days, probably on sunday or monday.
RC (WHi). Addressed by JM. A clipped signature has been attached at some later time.
1. Peter Baynton (1754–1821), a former postmaster of Philadelphia, was a successful merchant. In 1785 his place of business was No. 56 Walnut Street, between Second and Third (Pa. Mag. Hist. and Biog., XLVIII [1924], 282–83).