James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John Winston, 23 February 1791

From John Winston

Hanover Virginia February 23. 1791


At the request of Mr. Thomas Wash one of your Constituents (who informs me that he has a claim against the united States for services during the late war) I take the liberty of informing you that Mr. Wash is a Man whom I am acquainted with, and know also that he acted in the Commissary’s department in the late war. He is also one whom I am perswaded would not exhibit any account against the public, but what he thought Just. For the particulars of his claim you must be refered to Mr Wash, and believe me to be with every sentiment of respect sir Your Most Obt. Humble St.

Jno. Winston1

RC (DLC). Addressed by Winston.

1John Winston (1757–1800) was a captain in the Hanover militia during the Revolution. After the war he was appointed a justice of the peace and served in the House of Delegates, 1789–1791 (Gwathmey, Historical Register of Virginians, p. 840; JCSV description begins H. R. McIlwaine et al., eds., Journals of the Council of the State of Virginia (4 vols. to date; Richmond, 1931—). description ends , III, 68; Swem and Williams, Register description begins Earl G. Swem and John W. Williams, eds., A Register of the General Assembly of Virginia, 1776–1918, and of the Constitutional Conventions (Richmond, 1918). description ends , p. 447; Clayton Torrence, Winston of Virginia and Allied Families [Richmond, 1927], pp. 41–42).

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