Report on the Financial Administration of Robert Morris, [16 February] 1791
Report on the Financial Administration
of Robert Morris
[16 February 1791]
That it being evidently impossible for the Committee to examine in detail, the public accounts under the administration, and unnecessary, as the same have been examined and passed in the proper offices, they have thought their duty would be best discharged by obtaining from the Register, the statements of the receipts and expenditures, and other extracts from the public records, herewith submitted, along with a more particular statement of the public Accounts, during the same period, made out in the year 1784, in such a number of printed copies of both, as will furnish to each member of Congress, the best practicable means of appreciating the Services of the Superintendant, and the utility of his administration.1
That from these documents, it will be found that
The Receipts of public monies in the Treasury of the | 8,177,431.72 | |
United States, during the said Administration, amounted to | ||
And the expenditures, settled as above mentioned, to | 8,155,445— | |
Leaving, at the close of the administration, in the Treasury of the United States, a balance of |
21,986.72 |
The authorities under which the Superintendant acted in the course of his administration, are referred to in the first mentioned document.
Ms (DNA: RG 233, House of Representatives Records, Reports of Select Committees); Tr (DNA: RG 233, House of Representatives Records, Various Select Committees). The Tr was made for publication in , Miscellaneous, I, 38. Enclosures not found (see n. 1). For the background of this document, see Report on Robert Morris’s Petition, 9 Mar. 1790 and nn. 1, 3.
1. The first of the printed enclosures was Statements of the Receipts and Expenditures of Public Monies, during the Administration of the Finances by Robert Morris … (Philadelphia, 1791; 23922). The second may have been Morris’s own statement of his accounts (see Report on Robert Morris’s Petition, 9 Mar. 1790 and n. 2).