To James Madison from Joseph Howell, 14 February 1791
From Joseph Howell
Philad. Feby 14. [1791]
Agreeably to your request of the 12t. Inst. I have examd. the Muster Rolls of the late line of Virginia, and find that Robert Tompkins1 was a Lieutenant in the 5t. Regimt. and is continued on the Musters untill Jany. 1777 when he is omitted, the cause of this Omission is not mentioned. The Name of Henry Tompkins2 does not appear on any of the Muster Rolls. It being Represented those Gentlemen died of the small Pox—I beg to inform you the Act of Congress does not embrace any emoluments to (the Heirs) Officers who died a natural death, they only extend to those who were killed in the field or died of their Wounds.
J Howell
FC (DNA: RG 93, War Department, Revolutionary War Records). Docketed by Howell: “Feby 14. 1791 / to the Honble Mr. Maddison.”
1. Robert Tompkins (d. 14 Jan. 1777) received a Continental commission on 7 Mar. 1776 ( , p. 545).
2. Henry Tompkins (d. 3 May 1777) entered the Continental service on 5 Dec. 1776 (ibid.).