James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Joseph Howell, 28 December 1790

From Joseph Howell

Office of (late) Army Accts
Decemr. 28t. 1790.


On a reference to the Muster Rolls of the late Line of Virginia, I find Lieut: William OCallis became supernumerary on the first of October 1778. in consequence of which he was entitled under the Resolve of Congress of the 24 Novemr. following to one Years pay, but as Mr. OCallis did not present this Claim agreeably to the Resolve of the 2d November 1785 it must be considered as foreclosed unless Congress may please to grant him Relief.1

I have some time since returned the Name of this Gentleman to the Secretary of War for the proportion of Lands allowed him by Congress in their Resolve of Septemr. 16t 1776. On application to the Secretary a Warrant will issue. I have the Honor to be Sir Your obedt. servt.

Joseph Howell2


1See Callis to JM, 20 Dec. 1790 and n. 1.

2Joseph Howell (1750–1798) of Pennsylvania had been a captain in the Continental army. In 1779 he was elected an army auditor and in 1788 he became commissioner of army accounts. At this time he was acting paymaster general of the army (JCC description begins Worthington C. Ford et al., eds., Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789 (34 vols.; Washington, 1904–37). description ends , XIV, 515; XXXIV, 468; Heitman, Historical Register Continental description begins F. B. Heitman, Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army during the War of the Revolution (Washington, 1914). description ends , p. 304; DAR Patriot Index, p. 349; ASP description begins American State Papers: Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States … (38 vols.; Washington, 1832–61). description ends , Miscellaneous, I, 58).

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