James Madison Papers

To James Madison from George Washington, [ca. 12 December] 1790

From George Washington

Sunday, 9 oclock. [ca. 12 December 1790]

Dear Sir,

Enclosed are the last despatches I have received from Mr Govr. Morris. As they unfold pretty evidently, I think, the disposition of the British ministry, I wish you to see them. Pray return them to me in the course of this day. I am, &c.

G. Washington.

Tr (MH: Sparks Transcripts). Addressed to JM “(Without date).” The conjectured date is based on the probable delivery to Washington in early December of a bundle of Gouverneur Morris’s letters from London, particularly 10 and 18 Sept. 1790, which reported that his diplomatic mission was ending in failure (Sparks, Life of Gouverneur Morris, II, 38–47).

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