James Madison Papers
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Summary of State Claims, [ca. 20 June] 1790

Summary of State Claims

[ca. 20 June 1790]

Collective view of claims before the Commissrs of Accts. between U. S. & S.
Claims admitted by District Commission: & exhibited to Genl. Board
Dollars  Dollars
New Hampshire Specie 1,830,051..2  New Emission    36,855..82 old do. 3,344,491..71.
do. specifics
Massts. 11,070,314..35    71,299..82       1,890,000
do. 3,288..25
R. Island 1,894,299..8 
Connecticut 4,161,158..73  3,016,240..75—state currency
N. York 3,484,799..36
N. Jersey 3,305,476   
Penna. 4,860,299..7 
do. 295,095..36
Delaware 198,666..16   132,679..80
lbs Tobacco
Maryland 2,374,732..84  4,374,701..33 332,886
N. Carolina 6,690,761..27 35,786,393..67—North Ca. curcy dolrs.
S. Carolina 3,519,944..10
Georgia 550,893..28  1,308,741..21.
Note— it does not appear by what scale charges admitted by district Comissrs. in N. Hampshire is calculated

Comissr. of army accts. has extended all claims before him for payts. in Contl. money after Mar. 18. 80. at rate of 40 for 1. which may materially affect value of claims.1

Ms (DLC). In JM’s hand. Listed under date of February 1790 in Index to the James Madison Papers (under “Madison, J—States Claims”). For the dating of the Ms, see Notes on State Claims, ca. 20 June 1790, n. 1.

1The following totals were recorded in an unknown hand on the lower half of the second page:

“Old emissions 5,174,491.71
do. Speci 44,239,780.41
Connect: State 3,016,240.75
North Carolina do 35,786,393.67
New emiss. 5,924,278.28”

Above the figures, JM wrote “total of claims.”

Index Entries