Census, [26 January] 1790
[26 January 1790]
Mr. Madison presented a schedule, which he moved should be inserted in lieu of that annexed to the bill, viz.
Free white males, under 16; free white males, above 16; white females, free blacks, and slaves, the heads of families, &c.
And he likewise proposed that a particular schedule1 should be included in the bill, specifying the number of persons employed in different professions and arts, carried on within the United States; such as merchants, mechanics, manufacturers, &c. &c.
N.Y. Daily Gazette, 28 Jan. 1790 (also reported briefly in Gazette of the U.S., 27 Jan. 1790, N.Y. Daily Advertiser, 27 Jan. 1790, and , III, 172).
1. JM’s proposed “particular schedule” included categories for landowners, merchants, manufacturers, “artificers,” sailors, and a variety of tradesmen (House Bills, 1st Cong., 1789–91 [microfilm, DLC]; N.Y. Daily Gazette, 4 Feb. 1790). The census bill was recommitted, and JM was added to the committee.