James Madison Papers

Census, [26 January] 1790


[26 January 1790]

Mr. Madison presented a schedule, which he moved should be inserted in lieu of that annexed to the bill, viz.

Free white males, under 16; free white males, above 16; white females, free blacks, and slaves, the heads of families, &c.

And he likewise proposed that a particular schedule1 should be included in the bill, specifying the number of persons employed in different professions and arts, carried on within the United States; such as merchants, mechanics, manufacturers, &c. &c.

N.Y. Daily Gazette, 28 Jan. 1790 (also reported briefly in Gazette of the U.S., 27 Jan. 1790, N.Y. Daily Advertiser, 27 Jan. 1790, and Cong. Register description begins Thomas Lloyd, comp., The Congressional Register; or, History of the Proceedings and Debates of the First House of Representatives … (4 vols.; New York, 1789–90; Evans 22203–4, 22973–4). description ends , III, 172).

1JM’s proposed “particular schedule” included categories for landowners, merchants, manufacturers, “artificers,” sailors, and a variety of tradesmen (House Bills, 1st Cong., 1789–91 [microfilm, DLC]; N.Y. Daily Gazette, 4 Feb. 1790). The census bill was recommitted, and JM was added to the committee.

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