From James Madison to the Governor of Virginia, [20 May 1783]
To the Governor of Virginia
[20 May 1783]
… Notwithstanding the numerous arrivals from Europe, we receive no other information than what passes through the public prints. Sir G. Carlton in answer to a letter from General Washington on the subject of the provisional Treaty repeats the same sentiments regarding the Negroes, which he advanced in the Conference at Orange Town; entering a Caution however against their being considered as a final construction of the article. We have the honor to be with great esteem Yr. Excellency’s obt. & humble servants
J. Madison Jr
Printed extract (Charles Hamilton Catalogue No. 64, 11 Jan. 1973). Written for the Virginia delegation in Congress, in JM’s hand. Reproduced and described in the Hamilton catalogue as “Probably to the governor of Delaware.” Preceding portions of this letter appeared in VII, 55–56.