To James Madison from Samuel Vaughan, Jr., 11 July 1789
From Samuel Vaughan, Jr.
Saturday Morning 11 July [1789]
Dear Sir
I have erased the names of my Brothers between whom the above Letter passed, to leave you at liberty to make what use you think proper of it.1 I send you inclosed also an Extract from the Printed report above-mentioned which I recd by the Packet, & which I sent for general information to Mr Fenno.2 I think it may be particularly useful in Virginia. I remain Dr Sir Your obedt Servt.
Samuel Vaughan Junr
RC and enclosures (DLC). Addressed by Vaughan.
1. Vaughan enclosed an extract of a letter from Benjamin Vaughan of London to John Vaughan of Philadelphia dated 6 May 1789. The letter warned that the British Parliament might severely regulate or ban imports of American wheat because recent shipments were so thoroughly infested with insects. Vaughan also noted that precautions might be taken against using wheat straw, which was suspected of harboring the Hessian fly.
2. The other enclosure was an extract, printed in the Gazette of the U.S. of 11 July 1789, from a British Privy Council report on the Hessian fly. The item noted that in Bavaria the insect had been lured from grain by placing hemp on top of it.