To James Madison from John Pendleton, 11 February 1789
From John Pendleton
Virga. Richmond 11 feb. ’89
Permit me, sir, to introduce to you Mr. Wm. Lambert a native of our State. He is employed on a public occasion which brings him to New York & is desirous of engaging in business in some department under the first arrangements of the Congress. I can speak of his talents with confidence because I judge from my own experience & I do assure [you] that, sir, he understands thoroughly the power of figures, Accounts, & book-Keeping methodically; is a very neat, expert penman; remarkably assiduous, careful, temperate.1 I have the honor, sir, to be with great respect & regard Your most obt. Servt.
J. Pendleton
RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.
1. Lambert was a clerk who assisted in the preparation of the Virginia accounts with the U.S. He later became a clerk in the State Department ( , X, 256–57 n. 1; , XVII, 356 n., 358 n.).