James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Nicholas Lewis, 9 January 1789

From Nicholas Lewis

Albemarle Janry. 9th. 1789


I was Applyed to lately by Mr. Peter Carr for a considerable Supply of money, he at the same time informed me that A Fund was established in Your Hands by Mr. Jefferson for the purpose of discharging the expence of his Tuition and Board & observes that that Was but A small proportion of the money that was Necessary for him to answer his other purposes. Your information on this Head, as Also Your direction & Advice respecting Mr. Carr would be thankfully recd. as I suspect that Young Gentleman is inclined to be extravigant. I am Sir with great respect your very Humble Servt.

Nicholas Lewis1


1Nicholas Lewis (1734–1808) had charge of Jefferson’s affairs while Jefferson was in Europe (WMQ description begins William and Mary Quarterly. description ends , 1st ser., IX [1900–1901], 174; Boyd, Papers of Jefferson description begins Julian P. Boyd et al., eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson (19 vols. to date; Princeton, 1950—). description ends , VI, 210).

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