To James Madison from Edmund Randolph, 12 September 1788
From Edmund Randolph
Richmond Sep. 12. 1788.
My dear friend
The mail has brought me this evening a resolution concerning the Scioto lands, which was really necessary for the peace of some people’s minds, and will, I hope, be effectual to quiet a general suspicion, which the former act had created.1
Mr. Bev. Randolph has lately returned from P. Edward; where he saw Mr. H, who grows in violence against the constitution, and is much pleased at the idea of a new convention.
The scarcity of money in Virginia can hardly be conceived by those, who sojourn in a large city. The executive have put vigorous measures in force to draw delinquent inspectors to account;2 and almost every commercial town is draining itself of cash to discharge, what in the whole, will not probably exceed ten thousand pounds. Tithable Negroes sell under executions for fifteen pounds: and the approach of british debts thickens the horror of the prospect. Suggest to me, what occurs to you on this last subject.
I desired Davis to make a collection, of which the inclosed is a copy.3
The clerk of the council is making out under my direction a state of exports and imports from the 20th. July 1787 to the 20th. July 1788. The original will probably be finished next week, and sent to the press. I wish the returns from the naval offices were more accurate; but perhaps even their imperfect state may yield useful information. Yrs. mo sincerely
E. R.
RC (DLC). Docketed by JM. For enclosure, see n. 3.
1. The resolution passed by Congress on 1 Sept. (see Randolph to Virginia Delegates, 4 Aug. 1788 and n, 10).
2. The Council of State on 25 Aug. had instructed the solicitor to take measures against delinquent tobacco inspectors as provided in the tobacco inspection law of 1783 ( , IV, 277–78; , XI, 236–37).
3. The enclosure was probably a pamphlet printed by Augustine Davis of Richmond containing the acts of ratification by those state conventions that proposed amendments to the Constitution (see JM to Jefferson, 17 Oct. 1788 and n. 2).