James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Philip Schuyler, 24 June 1788

From Philip Schuyler

Poughkeepie June 24th. 1788

Dear Sir

This moment an express is arrived from New Hampshire, conveying the happy intelligence contained in a letter, of which you have a copy at bottom of this.1 Colonel Hamilton is in convention, and has requested me to forward this advice to you.

Unless the adoption [by] New Hampshire should alarm the fears of those in opposition in the convention here, they will I apprehend persevere in the intention which they have decidely [sic] evinced of adoption predicated on previous Amendments, and those such as would r[e]nder the new Government very little, If any more energetic than the present.

If the convention should rise, before the Stage, which is now here, leaves this, Colo Hamilton will probably write you by that Conveyance; Your letter of the 13th2 Arrived last Evening. I am Sir with Great Esteem Your most Obedt Servant

Ph: Schuyler

RC and enclosure (DLC). Enclosed in Virginia Delegates to JM, 25 June 1788. Brackets enclose letters obscured by blots on the Ms.

1The copy was of John Langdon’s letter to Hamilton, 21 June 1788, notifying him of New Hampshire’s ratification (Syrett and Cooke, Papers of Hamilton description begins Harold C. Syrett and Jacob E. Cooke, eds., The Papers of Alexander Hamilton (24 vols. to date; New York, 1961—). description ends , V, 34).

2To Hamilton.

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