From James Madison to George Washington, 14 January 1788
To George Washington
N. York Jany. 14. 1788.
Dear Sir
The Daily Advertizer of this date contains several important articles of information, which need only be referred to.1 I inclose it with a few other late papers. Neither French nor English packet is yet arrived; and the present weather would prevent their getting in if they should be on the Coast. I have heard nothing of Consequence from Massachussetts since my last. The accounts from New Hampshire continue to be as favorable as could be wished. From South Carolina we get no material information. A letter from Georgia, of the 25. of Decr. says that the Convention was getting together at Augusta and that every thing wore a fœderal complexion. N. Carolina it seems, has been so complaisant to Virginia as to postpone her Convention till July. We are still without a Congress. With perfect esteem & attachment I remain Dear Sir Your Obedt. humble servt.
Js. Madison Jr
RC (DLC: Washington Papers); Tr (DLC). RC docketed by Washington. Enclosures not found.
1. Among the “articles of information” in the N.Y. Daily Advertiser of 14 Jan. 1788 were (1) the report by Robert Yates and John Lansing to Governor Clinton, dated 21 Dec. 1787, containing their objections to the Constitution; (2) news that France had withdrawn its pledge to aid Holland, and that Great Britain and France had agreed to discontinue “all warlike preparations”; and (3) an announcement that the Connecticut convention had ratified the Constitution, 127 to 40.