James Madison Papers

Notes on Debates, 2 [4] April 1787

Notes on Debates

Mr. Pierce renewed his motion instructing the Secy. of F. A. to lay before Congs. the state of his negociation with Mr. Guardoqui which was agreed to without observation or dissent.1

Ms (DLC). Misdated, for JM had indicated in his Notes on Debates of 30 Mar. that Pierce’s motion would be renewed Monday, 2 Apr. According to the Journal and the docket, however, this action was put off until Wednesday, 4 Apr. (JCC description begins Worthington Chauncey Ford et al., eds., Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789 (34 vols.; Washington, 1904–37). description ends , XXXII, 152; PCC).

1Jay’s report, submitted 11 Apr., was entered in the Journal 13 Apr. (JCC description begins Worthington Chauncey Ford et al., eds., Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789 (34 vols.; Washington, 1904–37). description ends , XXXII, 184–89).

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