James Madison Papers

Survey of Mohawk Lands, [October?] 1786

Survey of Mohawk Lands

[October? 1786]

Extending the 2 longest lines each to 160 chs makes 953 acres
extending lines 116 to 160 leaving the other 106 856
taking one at 116 the other 106 769
making the Closing line 36 & parallelizing the two longest (160) 722
do. do. do. & sedating this parallelism 873
taking 2 long lines at 160 & 106, the closing is 49 Chs.
do. do. at 160 each do. 44 & nearly paral[l]el to back line
do. do. at 160 & 116 do. 43 do. the quantity
875 acres

Land on Mohawk (Courses & distances)

N. 48° 15″ E. 160
N. 43 E. 93
S. 31 15 E. 31–70 links
S. 40 15 W. 111
S. 48 15 W. 106
Line to the Beginning 36 chs.

Ms (DLC). Docketed by JM. The recto contained JM’s rough sketch, with surveyor’s designations, of the acreage he bought in a speculative venture with Monroe in upstate New York. One boundary followed the course of an unidentified creek or river.

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