From James Madison to Charles Thomson, 25 September 1786
To Charles Thomson
Philadelphia Sepr. 25th. 1786
I have been honoured with your favour of the 15th. instant inclosing a copy of the proceeding of Congress relative to a Controversy between the States of South Carolina and Georgia, and notifying my appointment as a member of the Court which is to hear and determine it. As I foresee nothing which will render my attendance on the duties of this appointment impracticable, you will please Sir, to communicate to Congress my respectful acceptance of it.1 I have the honour to be, Sir, with great respect Your Obedient & humble Servant
Js. Madison Jr
RC (PCC). Enclosed in JM’s letter of 5 Oct. 1786 to Monroe. Docketed by Charles Thomson and noted as “read 9 Octr. 1786.”
1. The federal commission was scheduled to meet on the first Monday in June 1787. Before then, however, the disputing states sent their own arbiters to Beaufort, South Carolina, where an amicable settlement was arranged in April 1787. JM was by that time involved in the convention planned for Philadelphia in May 1787 (Coleman, The American Revolution in Georgia, pp. 257–60).