James Madison Papers

Lodging Account from George Mann, 4–15 September 1786

Lodging Account from George Mann

[4–15 September 1786]

Colonel Madison’s Bill—1786

Septr. 5 Lodging & Breakfast 3/9 Dinner 3/9 £0.. 7.. 6
wine 3/9 Punch 2/6 Porter 2/6 0.. 8.. 9
Punch 1/ Servt. Board 12/ 0.. 13.. 0
6 Lodging & Breakfast 3/9 wine 2/6 0.. 6.. 3
Porter 2/6 Dinner 3/9. Servt. Grog 1/ 0.. 7.. 3
Board for Servt. 6/ 0.. 6.. 0
7 Lodging and Breakfast 3/9 Tea 1/10 0.. 5.. 7
Servt. Board 6/ 0.. 6.. 0
8 Lodging and Breakfast 3/9 Servt. Board 6/ .. 9.. 9
9 Lodging and Breakfast 3/9 Punch 1/3 0.. 5.. 0
Dinner and Club 8/9 Tea 1/10 Servt. Board 6/ .. 16.. 7
10 Lodging and Breakfast 3/9 Tea 1/10
Servt. board 6/ .. 11.. 7
11 Lodging & Breakfast 3/9 Dinner 3/9 Club 5/ .. 12.. 6
Tea l/10 Servt. Board 6/ .. 7.. 10
12 Lodging & Breakfast 3/9 Dinner & Club 8/9 .. 12.. 6
Tea 1/10 Servt. Board 6/ .. 7.. 10
13 Lodging & Breakfast 3/9 Servt. Board 6/ .. 9.. 9
Stabling & hay 45/
Oats 56 Gallons @ 10 d. pr. 46/8 4.. 11.. 8
Omited the 4th. Punch 2/6 Supper 3/
Servt. do. 2/ .. 7.. 6
Hay and Oats 6/8 .. 6.. 8
14 Lodging & Breakfast 3/9 Dinner & Club 10/9 0.. 14.. 6
Servts Board 6/ Hay & Oats 11..8 0.. 11.. 81
£14.. 5.. 8
15 Lodging 1/Servt. /6 1.. 6
£14.. 7.. 2

Contents Received in full

Geo. Mann.2

Ms (DLC). Docketed by JM, “Bill of a tavern in Annapolis 1786.”

1Incorrectly stated. The sum should be 17s. 8d. JM was thus undercharged 6s.

2George Mann (1753–1795) operated the leading hostelry in Annapolis. Mann was renowned for the farewell dinner he prepared the day before Washington resigned his commission, 22 Dec. 1783. Congress paid Mann $664 for the banquet, which a committee praised as “exceedingly plentiful, and the provisions and liquors good in their kind” (Edith R. Bevan, “Thomas Jefferson in Annapolis,” Maryland Historical Magazine, XLI [1946], 118 n.; Burnett, Letters description begins Edmund C. Burnett, ed., Letters of Members of the Continental Congress (8 vols.; Washington, 1921–36). description ends , VII, 398 n.).

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