Resolution for Printing and Distributing Session Laws, [18 January] 1786
Resolution for Printing and
Distributing Session Laws
[18 January 1786]
Resolved, That so soon as the copies of the laws allotted to the several counties, other than the counties in Kentucky, shall be printed, the same be distributed under the order of the Executive, by expresses, who shall be paid out of the contingent fund.1
Printed Copy (
, Oct. 1785, pp. 146–47).1. JM proposed this resolution and was ordered to carry the approved measure to the Senate. The resolution reflects JM’s anxiety to have a general distribution of the statutes which included the thirty-six bills passed as part of the revised code presented 31 Oct. 1785. He had complained to Jefferson about the deficient number of copies and delay in distribution of the revisors’ report (JM to Jefferson, 20 Aug. 1785).