James Madison Papers

To James Madison from James Monroe, 7 November 1784

From James Monroe

Trenton Novr. 7 1784.

Dear Sir

I enclose you a cypher which will put some cover on our correspondence.1 We have yet only 5. States, & not a man from the Eastward except Mr. Holton.2 There is nothing new without doors, wh. I have not communicated to the Governor &, of those within I must defer writing you, untill the next post; the present is certainly an important crisis in our affairs, but as I shall write you very fully by the next post shall only add that I am with Great respect & esteem yr. friend & servant

Jas. Monroe


1. Spain 11. the Delegates
2. Ld. Shelburne 12. Maryland
3. Ct. Vergennes 13. Mr. Mercer
4. Dr. Franklin 14. Mr. Hardy
5. Mr. Grayson 15. Georgia
6. Pennsylvania 16. Mr. Jefferson
7. King of France 17. Mr. J. Adams
8. King of Sweden 18. Mr. Fox
9. France 19. the U. Netherlands
10. No. Carolina 20. of
21. the Governor 60. peace
22. N. York 61. western posts
23. Mr. Gerry 62. committee of the States
24. Virginia 63. commerce
25. Mr. P. Henry 64. Laws of nations
26. Arthur Lee 65. attack
27. the Indian comrs. 66. northern
28. Jersey 67. variance
29. Great Britain 68. conduct
30. The minister 69. Indians
31. Ireland 70. Southern
32. Mr. Marbois 71. detention
33. Governor Harrison 72. ships
34. Canada 73. Carlton
35. impost 74. treaty
36. commander in chief 75. negroes
37. resources 76. Genl. Assembly
38. army 78. disposition
39. finances 79. degrade
40. N. Hamshire 80. LaFayatte
41. confiscation 81. Ld. North
42. Delaware 82. unfriendly
43. Mr. Laurens 83. publick expence
44. hostilities 84. Mr. Burke
45. R. Island 85. defence
46. Mr. Dana 86. prepare
47. U. States 87. Mr. Ellery
48. Mr. Read of So. Carolina 88. Robt. Morris
49. Connecticut 89. Baron Steuben
50. the President of Congress 90. Mr. Howell
51. R. H. Lee 91. Trenton
52. Court 92. Phila.
53. blame 93. Genl. Washington
54. Mr. Jay 94. Mr. Tyler
55. So. Carolina 95. consul
56. definitive treaty 96. Congress
57. Massachusetts 97. lose
58. war 98. gain
59. provisional treaty 99. Mr. Jones

RC (DLC); enclosure (ViU). Cover missing. Docketed. This is the first known letter from a correspondent whom Jefferson had predicted that JM would probably find “an useful one” (Jefferson to JM, 8 May 1784).

1The “enclosed cypher” was separated from the letter through the circumstances explained in Papers of Madison description begins William T. Hutchinson et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison (8 vols. to date; Chicago, 1962——). description ends , I, xx. Monroe began using it in his letter of 15 Nov. 1784. Monroe inadvertently omitted a cipher for 77.

2“Mr. Holton” was Dr. Samuel Holten (1738–1816), the conscientious delegate from Massachusetts. The disappointing attendance record made it “seem as if this were the beginning of the end of the United States in Congress Assembled” (Burnett, The Continental Congress, p. 613). Delegations from the required seven states did not attend until 29 Nov., when a quorum finally was present.

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