Resolutions on Private Debts Owed to British Merchants, Resolution A, [7 June 1784]
Resolution A
[7 June 1784]
Resolved, That so much of all and every act or acts of Assembly, now in force in this Commonwealth, as prevents a due compliance with the stipulations contained in the definitive treaty entered into between Great Britain and America, ought to be repealed.1
Printed copy (
, May 1784, p. 41).1. The motion was offered immediately after a committee was appointed to inquire into “an infraction on the part of Great Britain, of the seventh article of the definitive treaty of peace between the United States of America and Great Britain, so far as the same respects the detention of slaves and other property, belonging to the citizens of this Commonwealth.” Defeated, 57 to 37 (JM voted for passage), the motion would have thwarted the purpose for which the committee of inquiry had been set up.