Resolution on Payment of Revisors, 1 June 1784
Resolution on Payment of Revisors
[1 June 1784]
Whereas no allowance hath hitherto been made to the Committee of Revisors ⟨appointed under an Act entitled “An Act for the revision of the laws”⟩ for their labour and expences in executing their important trust
Resolved that the sum of each be allowed to the Honorable Edmund Pendleton, George Wythe and Thomas Jefferson Esquires, to be paid by the Treasurer on Warrant from the Auditors, out of any unappropriated Money in his hands.1
Ms (Vi). In a clerk’s hand, with an additional phrase written by JM enclosed in angle brackets. Docketed with the notation: “Committed to the Courts of Justice June 1st: 1784” and “June 4th. 1784/Allowed £500 each.” For the background of the resolution, see Resolution on the Revision of the Virginia Statutes, 29 May 1784.
1. Following a second reading, the resolution was committed to the standing Committee for Courts of Justice, of which JM was a member. Three days later committee chairman Joseph Jones successfully proposed that the sum left blank in the resolution be filled with the words “five hundred pounds.” The Senate announced its concurrence on 11 June ( , May 1784, pp. 30, 35–36, 50).