From James Madison to James Madison, Sr., 5 June 1783
To James Madison, Sr.
RC (LC: Madison Papers). Docketed “5 June 83” by the recipient. After recovering the letter, JM added “Madison Js June 5. 1783.” On a fragment of the cover, in JM’s hand, is “Col: James Recommended to the care of Mr. J. Maury Fredericksburg.”
Philada. June 5. 1783.
Hon[?]d Sir.
By the post preceding the last I answered yours of the 16th. addressing it to the care of Mr. Maury.1 I was prevented by more necessary writing from inclosing the papers again by the lasts post as I had intended. I now supply the omission by two Gentlemen2 going to Fredericksbg. All the news we have recd. is contained in them, and respects solely the arrangement which is at length made of a British Ministry.3
Having sent several copys of the pamphlet of Congress on the subject of Revenue &c. which I suppose will be transcribed in the Virga. gazettes, I shall add nothing on that subject presuming that you will thro’ some channel or other obtain a sight of these proceedings.4 I inclose a memorandum of the books which I wish you to select from Docr. Hamilton’s Catalogue.5 I shall take care not to disappoint you of the chair* which I promised to bring with me.6 The time of my setting out is as uncertain as at the date of my last; but it will certainly take place before the fall.7 Remember me affecy. to my mother & all the family & be assured that I am yr. dutiful son
J. Madison Jr.
I have the promise of the books for Moses Joseph & expect to bring them with me.8
1. JM to James Madison, Sr., 27 May 1783, and n. 2.
2. Unidentified.
3. The Pennsylvania Journal of 4 June and the Pennsylvania Packet of the next day printed “the arrangement.”
4. , VI, 471; 473, n. 7; 487–94. The plan for restoring public credit and the accompanying “Address to the States” by JM were submitted by Governor Harrison to the House of Delegates on 22 May. Only the plan appeared in the Virginia Gazette of 14 June. It is possible that the address was printed the next week, but no copy of the issue of 21 June 1783 has been found. Neither the plan nor the address appears in the extant issues of the Virginia Gazette, and Weekly Advertiser.
5. JM to James Madison, Sr., 27 May 1783, and n. 6.
6. Ibid., and n. 4. JM’s asterisk refers to the postscript even though he did not precede it with a second asterisk.
7. JM did not arrive home until early in December 1783. See Jefferson to JM, 7 May 1783, n. 19.
8. JM to James Madison, Sr., 27 May 1783, and n. 5.