Notes on Debates, 3 March 1783
Notes on Debates
MS (LC: Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see V, 231–34.
,The Comme. on revenues, reported in addition to the former articles recommended by them,1 a duty of ⅔ of a dollar per 112 lbs. on all brown sugars, 1 dollar on all powdered, lumped & clayed sugars; other than loaf sugars, 1⅓ dollar pr. 112 lbs on all loaf sugars, 1/30 of a dollar per lb on all Bohea Teas, and 1/15 of a dollar on all finer India Teas.2 This report without debate or opposition was recommitted to be incorporated with the general plan.3
1. JM Notes, 27 Feb. 1783, and n. 8.
2. One hundred and twelve pounds, avoirdupois, are a “long hundredweight.” One usual step in clarifying or refining sugar was to filter the juice of the cane through clay. “Bohea Teas” are the black, less expensive, varieties.
3. “This report” and its recommittal are not noted in the official journal. See Report on Restoring Public Credit, 6 Mar. 1783.