To James Madison from Jacquelin Ambler, 12 October 1782
From Jacquelin Ambler
RC (LC: Madison Papers). Docketed by JM, “Octr. 12. 1782.” Cover franked by Ambler and addressed in his hand to “The Honobl. James Madison of Congress Philadelphia.”
Richmond Virga. 12. Octo. 1782
Dear Sir
The Auditors1 are at present out of Town; as soon as there is a Board I will lay your Account before them.2 it is probable they must wait for the Scale of Depreciation from you before they can adjust it.3 In addition to the £60. which I informed you in my last4 I was endeavouring to purchase a Bill for, I have been enabled by the receipts of this Week to set apart £130. more. how I shall get it remitted I know not. I have tried every person of my acquaintance in the Mercantile Line for a Bill but in vain. Mr. Harrison seems to think that Mr. Holker may probably pay you the Money there and take your Draft on me for £300. Virga. Curry.5 I know not what to advise. Depending on this mode of transacting the Business with Mr. Holker I may let slip an opportunity of purchasing a good Bill. I know you must be distressed for want of this Money & am unhappy that it is not in my Power to send it on.
Messrs. Jones & Lee’s Money is at the direction of Colo. Munroe.6 Mr. Blands has been paid to Mr. Hunter agreeable to his Letter.7 I am
Dr Sir Yrs.
J. A.
I think you had better try Mr. Holker there is little probability I fear of getting a Bill soon from hence.
Since writing the above Mr. Ross8 sent the inclosed Drft for 200 Dollars which I forward with much pleasure.
2. See JM to Virginia Auditors, 20 August 1782, and nn. 4 and 5.
3. See Ambler to JM, 24 August 1782, and n. 4. In the Virginia State Library is Robert Morris’ letter of 11 November 1782 to Theodorick Bland, enclosing a table of depreciation of the old continental paper money in relation to specie on each of 96 days or in particular months between 1 March 1777 and 4 May 1781, when “continental was little current.” This record, which Morris “deemed the most accurate” in Philadelphia, had been kept by the merchant partners Benjamin Fuller and Richard Wells.
5. See Ambler to JM, 31 August, and nn. 1 and 2; Randolph to JM, 7 September 1782.
6. Joseph Jones, Arthur Lee, and James Monroe. Monroe, who joined the Council of State on 8 June 1782 and was licensed five days later to practice law in Virginia, evidently had been authorized by Jones and Lee to receive the money due them from the state ( , III, 104, 108).
7. See Randolph to JM, 5 October 1782, and n. 5.
8. See Ambler to JM, 16 September 1782, and n. 2.