Virginia Delegates to Benjamin Harrison, [8 October] 1782
Virginia Delegates to Benjamin Harrison
RC (Virginia State Library). In Joseph Jones’s hand, except for JM’s signature. Although the top of the manuscript is torn so that the date is missing, the docket reads, “Lr f’m Virga Delegates Oct. 8. 82.” The mutilated condition of the bottom of the manuscript obliged the bracketed insertions of words and letters which may have been there originally. The cover is missing.
[8 October 1782]
We are honoured with your Excellencys favor of the 28th. ult.1 by this weeks post and are sorry the occurrences of the past week furnish us with nothing material for your entertainment.
The enclosed determination of Congress on the application of the legislature of New Jersey respecting partial payments made by other States to the Troops of their particular lines being of general concern, we take the earliest opportunity of conveying to your Excellency for your information, although we have no doubt it will soon be transmitted through the proper channel.2
Virga. having had considerable dealings with the house of Penet & Co. we think it necessary to communicate to your E[x]cellency, that we are informed of their failure by such authority as [cann]ot be doubted.3 with great respect we are
Yr. E[xce]llencys most obed. hubl. [servants]
James Mad[ison]
Jos: Jon[es]
2. The enclosure was one of the two copies, now in the Virginia State Library, of the resolutions drafted by JM and adopted by Congress. See Report on Payment of New Jersey Troops, 1 October 1782, and ed. n. Each of the two copies is in the hand of a different clerk, but both bear Charles Thomson’s signature at their close. When Thomson (“the proper channel”) forwarded the second copy to Governor Harrison is unknown. With his message of 21 October to the Virginia General Assembly, the governor enclosed the present letter “on the Subject of partial payments to officers of the Army” ( , III, 353).
3. For Penet, d’Acosta Frères et Cie. of Nantes, see , IV, 108, n. 2; 175, n. 4. Before receiving the present letter, Harrison already had read in the letter of 27 June 1782 from George Mason, Jr., in Nantes of this bankruptcy and of Penet’s “abrupt” flight from France, leaving “his creditors in the lurch” ( , III, 334–36). The delegates had been told of the bankruptcy by Barbé-Marbois. See JM to Randolph, 8 October 1782.