James Madison Papers

Report on Paying Representatives Abroad, [5 June] 1782

Report on Paying Representatives Abroad

MS (NA: PCC, No. 19, IV, 357). Docketed: “Report of Mr Madison Mr Ramsay Mr Osgood On a letter of 31st. May 1782 from Supt of Finance passed June 5th 1782.” JM was chairman of the committee, but its report is in Samuel Osgood’s hand.

[5 June 1782]

The Committee to whom was referred the Letter from the Supirintendant of Finance of the 31st. of May report the following Resolution1

Resolved, that the Resolution2 passed on the 29th of May relative to the Salaries & Allowances of the public Servants of the united States be & hereby is repealed: and that from & after the first Day of August next, Warrants be issued quarterly on the Treasurer of the united States, for one fourth Part of the annual Salaries & Allowances respectively made to the said public Servants employed in foreign Parts.

1For the background of the resolution, see Report on Salaries of Representatives Abroad, 28 May 1782, and n. 5.

2Following this word Osgood wrote and deleted “of the.”

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