To James Madison from Arthur Lee, [24 May] 1782
From Arthur Lee
Printed text (New York Book and Art Auction Company Catalogue No. 75, 1–2 March 1939). Addressed to “Honble. James Madison, Esqr., in Congress, Philadelphia.” The letter is unsigned, but JM docketed it, “May 24, 1782. A. Lee.”
[24 May 1782]
Dear Sir:
The above Resolves1 are directed to be sent to you as Instructions. They wait the confirmation of the Senate which has not yet formed a House, but will I hope effect it in a few days. The Resolves of our House for sending empty away the New York flag-Ships sent under Mr. Morris’s agreement, to take away tobacco wait also the same concurrence.2 Mr. Henry is endeavoring to overturn the tax law; but I think he will not succeed.3 Adieu.
P.S. Mr. Izard is here and goes on in a day or two.4 Remember me to our friends in Congress.
1. The “Resolves” which Lee copied on the verso of his letter are printed with the letter in the catalogue mentioned in the headnote. As sent by Lee, the resolutions were in the form in which they had passed the House of Delegates only. For the resolutions as adopted by both chambers of the Virginia General Assembly, see Instructions to Virginia Delegates, 24–25 May 1782. The Senate had a quorum for the first time on 25 May.
2. See Randolph to JM, 21–24 May 1782, and n. 3.
4. Ralph Izard was elected to Congress from South Carolina on 31 January and began his service on 7 June 1782 ( , XXII, 320; JM to Randolph, 11 June 1782).