From James Madison to Benjamin Harrison, 7 February 1782
To Benjamin Harrison
RC (Harvard University Library). Although the cover is missing, the contents permit no doubt that Governor Harrison was the recipient.
Philada. Feby. 7th. 1782
According to my promise by the last post & to your Excellency’s request I have made enquiry for some person fit for the service which my unfitness obliged me to decline, but with as little success as I expected. If skill in the business alone were requisite, it would perhaps be not easy to find one duly qualified & willing to undertake it, but as some particular tie to the State with whose interest he is to be charged is equally indispensable, a proper associate for Mr. Andrews can not be sought for with any hope of success out of the State itself.
I have had no opportunity yet of seeing or hearing from Bringhurst.1
I am Sir with great respect & esteem yr. most obt & hble Servt.
J. Madison Jr.
1. For clarification of the matters mentioned in this letter, see Harrison to JM, 19 January; JM to Harrison, 1 February 1782.